Sign my Guestbook!
As you can see, I’ve had a number of people sign my guestbook since I first put it up in 1995.
1579 entries.
I'm just getting into the Midi files and enjoying myself, from a sixty eight year old retiree thanks
Hi,Jeff! I had fun HomePage-MIDI sounds. Thanks for your playing. I came here from ragtime-page. And I am 33/m live in Japan. Do you know our city TOYOKAWA is sister city with CUPERTINO? Though I can speak English,there is music to communicate us. Anyway,I play MIDI instrument too.(DeskTopMusic) What instrument do you use? I have Roland SoundCanvas,CM-64, and other old keyboards. I compose some little funny musics.:-) See you!
liked your site - will check out the goods - should be good
the joplin midi archive is great!
This is the main reason I got on the net. I run a midi setup of an Alesis Quadrasynth & Cakewalk software. I'm not a keyboard player but I can read music and input it one note at a time. Started off with maple leaf and peacherine a few days ago and just got time to unzip them tonight. there great. I've got to get a couple more. thanks lj
Hi Jeff! I stopped by today and just wanted to say hi to you! We are both ragtimers so we belong to the same family 🙂 I noticed that you collect coins, so do I! I also like science fiction (Star Wars are by far my favorite movies!). And of course I LOVE ragtime! Well, keep ragging! Don't let the piano be quiet! RAGards! Oleg Mezjuev
Very extensive and VERY nice!!! I'll be back soon! Keep em coming!!
Lookin' good!
Your Scott Joplin collection is wonderful! I was very glad to find "Cleopha", too: it was the first rag I've heard (many years ago) and I fell in love with it...Bravo! Stefano
Separated at birth?
I'm glad to hear sth. from Treemonisha
Thanks for making this available. Well Done.
I love Scott Joplin! This is one of the best pages I've been to!
I love Joplin too! Thanks for this wonderful resource! BTW, your background--the embossed music--is terrific. Very elegant.
More Gilbert & Sullivan songs!
Nice of you making this archive possible.
Wow! I really enjoy this thing called Rag-Time. I reminds me of a program I heard as a kid. It was called Mickey Finn ????Anyway, what if any connection does that program have toJoplin, Scott, and the other originals?Thanks for the MIDI files, I'll be back for a few morewhen I get a chance. Keep up the good work.
I'm too new to this internet game to make any suggestions. I only hope I've done this right and not messed up your guest book! Linda : )
It's so nice to know there is someone out there who realizes what a genius Joplin was! Thanks for all your sequences; I'manxiously awaiting "Reflection Rag", "Fig Leaf Rag", andmore Treemonisha selections. Your "Easy Winners", which is my #1 favorite of all songs,helped me learn to play it on the piano. Thanks!
An island on the west coast
I love your page. It's great that you give recognition where it's due. I'm personally a HUGE fan of Joplin. Nice work!
Thanks. I appreciate the collections.
It's the first time I've visited the site, but I like the look of it. Keep up the good work
Jeff...looking forward to listening to your rags. Nice site.
: I'm glad to meet jou.Thank you.Renato
Also Ragtime fan
Thanks for posting such great music. I wish I could downloadyour entire collection at one time.Paul
I was just surfing aroung the internet and found your name under G&S and thought I'd say hello!
I REALLY appreciate your Joplin sequences. I thought I was cool for having Magnetic Rag... Your collection is awesome. Keep up the good work! and Thanks.
Great selection! It would be nice if you could bundle all inone large ZIP file for easy (lazy!) downloading. I have aKNABE grand with an AMPICO B reproducer that I make MIDI filesfom old piano rolls, no where near the selction you have though! Thanks! Jim Moore
Thank you very much for the Scott Joplin Midi Files
great ragtime files. keep it up
: I really enjoy ragtime, jazz, and music in general. I collect old 78 rpm records and love to play them and listen to the old voices, and playing styles.I enjoyed seeing your webpage, and I am looking forward to listening to some of your archive. I really like Zez Confrey and was gald that you have Kittenon the Keys.
Thank You for the Joplin archive. It brought me lots of joy.My age is 50 of which 30 has been spent programming computers.One of my favorite interests is listening to music - all kinds.Another is gliding where I have been active as instructor since 1967.
: I enjoyed your homepage, you handsome devil, you!
I really like your Scott Joplin archive
An interest in ragtime music is not such an unusual thingfor a person your age. Remember, just about every type ofmusic was "young people's music" at one time. So, from one 25 year old to another: Keep on shakin.'
Thanks for all the rags... great stuff
Be sure and sign up with the Page of Jeff's
Why do people new to a service go to the phone book and look up other people with the same last name? Guess that is one of *those* questions.Nice to see someone in 'our family' got a job at Intel.. I have plans for a P6 machine in my future.btw, have you seen the P6 CDRom Intel put out a couple months ago?...what a future ahead of us...Pardon, did you say who is this guy? ...just another take on the last name, television engineer, computer dweeb, back packer, bicycler, photographer......and on...Nice to meet you, thanks for the example of a rather nice start to your web pageCheers!
I have been looking for some piano instrumental music like they play in the saloons in the old westerns on TV and in the movies. I hope I have found it on your site. Whether or not it is there, thank you for allowing me to browse and take a few tunes.
Great Page...very good selection of MIDI files...Keep the collection growing. I'lkl be sure to send you some of my own files sometime. 🙂
Thanks for the files. I'll check in again.
Looks good bud! How's Intel treating ya? -T.
Enjoy your Joplin page. Keep up the good work.
I am new to the net. I enjoy the ragtime home page. I just took up the piano at age 50! I am startint with ragtime because it is the only real piano music . So long
Thanks for making the ragtime midi files available online.They sound good!!!
It's lovely. I like piano either.Bye.oh, I'll back again and again.
Hey man,last year I was a roomate of Jonny Pearson at Ricks College.
Hi Jeff! Royson is just showing me around.
SORRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE FORGOTTEN TO MEN-TION MY EMAIL ADRESS : PLEASE SEND ME EMAIL : to ehpjll@innet.beTHANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you've enjoyed it !You have almost the same interests as me. (family history,computers) I believe you're a quiet person, or am I wrong ?When I was 18 (and that's long ago), I've look up the genealogical tree of my family. Ive been till 1690.It was very intresting. So I've learned something of myancestors.So long !
Hi Jeff, I wish you a wonderful day, especially because it is your BIRTHDAY!!!Enjoy it and have a lot of fun and sun!!! Ciao Rita
Very nice to find another Joplin fan! Do you have a suggestion re: where I can locate a copy of the PKZIP file to listen to your collection?Thanks, and have a good week!LJ
Hello Jeff!!!
Tres beau site!Lien URL avec le site Scott Joplin est interessant!Continue!
Hey, Cous! How's it going? When are you coming to Seattlefor a visit? I think it's your turn! Hey! When you graduateyou could come.:) I'm still lookin' for that redhead foryou!!!
The Page looks good, a lotta work!! I love Scott Joplin Rags. I try to play but just can't seem to master the syncopation yet. I'll stay at it. I look forward to listening to the sequences. I will be back.
Nice page. Check out mine sometime:
We met on Compuserve MIDI forum a short while ago. E-mail me there or at sam.hallas@ps.comKeep up the good work!Sam
I can see some background colors, it appears to be some sort of aqua-floral design. I couldn't get the personal message to play but have saved it in case I can figure it out in the future. Later dude!
Keep being yourself, you're just wonderful the way you areQuirks and all.
Nice home page. You need to tell me how to get mine to work.